We are extremely proud of the service we provide our clients and to this end, please see both some of our Awesome clients lists (that you all) and some case studies about some of the campaigns we have worked on.  Each unique, hard work, fun and brought results for the brands.

If you would like more details on these or anything else, please let us know!

Case Studies

Some of our Awesome Clients


Brand: Dairy Free Product

Focus: Brand Awareness and Impulse

Plan:  Integrated Plan, product handouts, product sampling, experiential at events

Budget: <£26,000

Activity: London based product handouts, targeting commuters in the morning and shoppers, office workers at lunchtime.

Sampling of new children’s range at key locations in London, where families were most likely to be.

Product Sampling in key stores and eateries to promote impulse purchases.  Use of professional Brand Ambassadors for all shows and events – using core team for consistent approach.

Key brief: Engage with commuters and shoppers.  Provide product details, benefits and where to purchase.  Promote new product for children, focus on parents with children – direct communication to parents only.  Social Media opportunities, encourage product follow and personal pictures.

Insights: Feedback from commuters, shoppers and snackers to be completed to feed into our Insights report, ongoing.

Results: Substantial increase in brand awareness, supporting listings growth across major supermarkets. Improved brand awareness which increased sales across the impulse elements and generally in stores near product handout locations.


Brand: Coconut Range

Focus: Brand Awareness, promote Impulse

Plan:  Focus directly on workers, for a snack during the working day over a month period leading up to Christmas

Budget: <£8,000

Activity:  Dropping into prearranged companies, presenting staff with snack options and fun experiential activities to win prizes.

Key brief: Engage with office workers, providing sample of snacks, to promote impulse purchases at key snack / lunchtimes.  Provide key social media interactions and games – for people engaged to use on their social media.

Insights: Feedback workers, what they currently snack on, why, where etc.

Results: Brand Awareness was the key to this activity and reported increase in awareness from social media analysis.


Brand: Premium Ice Cream

Focus: Impulse and Brand Awareness

Plan:  Vouchers (money off), Brand Ambassador engagement with customers

Budget: <£10,000

Activity: Across the UK, 100 Supermarkets were targeted, Guerrilla style activity – Brand Ambassadors were deployed to each location, over a 3-week period, for 3 hours per location. Each BA wearing branded top, with branded tote bag.

Key brief: Engage with shoppers going into store.  Where possible, be in store, if manager allows.  Promote the brand, flavours, price and direct people to the aisle.  Provide shoppers with voucher and take pictures where permission is given for social media feeds.

Insights: Feedback from shoppers to be completed to feed into our Insights report at the end of the campaign.

Results: 56% increase in sales overall – day of activity and across the following 3 weeks.  Improved brand awareness.  Supported listing being maintained with supermarket.  Repeated at 50 stores of another supermarket.

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