Experiential Marketing

Experiential and promotional activities are just so powerful. It’s an AMAZING way of communicating directly with the public.

Since launching IT’S PROMOTIONAL the feedback we have had has been tremendous – down to our personal service, our commitment and our attention to the brands / key messaging.


You all have great products and we are sure, as part of your marketing strategy,  you are doing a full range of activity from advertising, social media, awareness activities.

Or are you? Cost is always at the front of our decisions – of course. Does experiential / promotional marketing need to be expensive?


Fickle lot aren’t we!

Today your the best then tomorrow someone else is. In crowded categories getting the attention of the public can be really hard.

How on earth do you ‘really’ stand out and get a lasting impact. How do you protect those vital listings?  How do you get the consumer to know about your product and where they can get it?!

The public need help to know what they want!

Us – It’s Promotional

Its surprising how many brands out there, especially in busy categories, don’t do any form of sampling / demonstrations or key messaging.

How can you not? A connection directly to the public is gold, a lottery win – increased sales!

Seriously how do the public know what your brand looks like, tastes like, works like….. indeed do they know your in that store, supermarket or even on the web.

We (promotional marketer’s) are the connection with your brand to the public.

We get your brand into the hands of consumers, whether it’s food or drink samples, key messages about a service, demonstrations of the latest product.

Its does not need to cost the earth or if you have a great budget, then make the earth move!

Get a return on your investment by increasing your sales, by retaining your listing or launching a new product.

Try us! Using an agency already – still Try us! Never done it before – Try us, we will guide you through it.